
1969 - 1986

Created by Ron 13 years ago
Within a few years Glynis showed how exceptional she was and after a period teaching at a school in Southport, she was promoted to Head of Music and Year Head at Onslow school Hatfield Herts.Fiery, dark-haired, lovely, you knew when Glynis was in the room. I suppose most people knew her as a musical director and conductor of orchestras. Not the BBC Symphony admittedly but local musicians who accompanied many wonderful performances. Herts. Gilbert and Sullivan Society, Enfield Music and Drama Society and various choirs, music hall groups and church choirs, school keyboard players et al became enthralled by her. She was music director for most of the G.&S. operettas, Wizard of Oz, King and I etc. and performed in several. Her tap dance routine in Oklahoma was a great delight. Her unbounded enthusiasm and sparkling personality enlivened everything she did.